This Code of Conduct has been formulated to provide a clear statement of Speak English Language Institute’s expectations of students in respect of academic matters and personal behaviour.
Study at the Institute presents opportunities for interacting with other members of the Institute community. The Institute recognises and values the diversity of student experiences and expectations, and is committed to treating students, both academically and personally, in a fair and transparent manner. All students, in return, are required to comply with the requirements set down in this Code of Conduct.
The Institute reaffirms its commitment to:
- high academic standards, intellectual rigour and a high quality education;
- intellectual freedom and social responsibility;
- tolerance, honesty and respect as the hallmarks of relationships throughout the Institute community;
- high standards of ethical behaviour.
All students are required to be aware of and act consistently with these values.
This Code of Conduct applies to all students of Speak English Language Institute, in respect of all actions and activities (including inaction or inactivity) relating to or impacting on the Institute or its students and employees.
In this Code of Conduct:
Student means all students of Speak English Language Institute, including but not limited to group course students, private students, English language students, Arabic language students, part time students, full-time students, Study Abroad students, social event participants, including family and friends of students when at the Institute.
Employee means all staff of Speak English Language Institute, (including full-time, part-time or casual staff).
Personal conduct
All students must:
- treat all other students, teachers, administration staff, and any other members of the public with respect, dignity, impartiality, courtesy and sensitivity;
- maintain a cooperative and collaborative approach to inter-personal relationships;
- act honestly and ethically in their dealings with all other students, teachers, administration staff, and any other members of the public;
- respect the privacy of all other students, teachers, administration staff, and any other members of the public;
- ensure that they do not act in a manner that unnecessarily or unreasonably impedes the ability of all other students, teachers, administration staff, and any other members of the public to carry out their study or work at the Institute, including in the classroom, student area and reception area;
- ensure that they do not become involved in or encourage discrimination against or harassment or bullying of all other students, teachers, administration staff, and any other members of the public.
Academic Conduct
All students must:
- read all official correspondence from the Institute;
- act ethically and honestly in the preparation, conduct, submission of academic work, and during all forms of assessment, including formal examinations and informal tests;
- avoid any activity or behaviour that would unfairly advantage or disadvantage another student academically;
- use institute resources, including information and communication technology resources, in a lawful and ethical manner and for Institute purposes only, unless express permission has been granted for non-institute or private usage.