23 Idioms with the verb get

23 Idioms with the verb get

In my last blog article, I wrote about what idioms are why they’re important to learn. This week here are 23 idioms with the verb get and examples of how to use them. As you will see, some of them are idiomatic phrasal verbs and some idiomatic expressions.

What I recommend to learn them is take a 2 or 3 of the idioms below every day for the next week, and try to use them in your daily life. Find situations when you think it’s best to use them. Even if you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter as it will really help you to remember them.

  • get a free ride = to get something for free.

    Al got a free ride to college on a football scholarship.
  • get a kick out of = to enjoy something; to find amusement in a situation.

    I get a kick out of watching the sport of cricket.

  • get a move on = start moving; go.

    If you want to see the movie, you'll have to get a move on right now.

  • get across = to communicate; to relay an important message or thought.

    Mohamed and Farah can't seem to get across to their son the importance of his education.

  • get along with = to have a good relationship. (this is a very popular idiom)

    Do you get along with your neighbours? How about the people you work with. Do you get along with your coworkers?

  • get at = to communicate; to say something in a manner that is indirect.

    What are you getting at? Do you think I stole your wallet?

  • get by = to make enough money to pay one's bills

    They're not making enough money to get by.

  • get down = dance; party.

    After a long week, Bertha gets down with her coworkers at a local nightclub.

  • get for = to receive money or compensation for something.

    You won't get much for that old car.

  • get going = start to go

    Uh oh. It's 11:00. We've got to get going.

  • get it = understand.

    John: Do you understand the math homework?

    Tony: No, I don't get it.

  • get it together = get ready to go somewhere; to correct bad behaviour.

    Sandy would be a great business person if she could just get it together.

  • get it together = get ready to go somewhere; to correct bad behaviour.

    Sandy would be a great business person if she could just get it together.

  • get lost = go away

    You're bothering me. Get lost!

  • get into = to develop an interest in something; to enter.

    Thaddeus is starting to get into country and western music.

  • get off on = to enjoy; to take pleasure in an activity that is questionable.

    Roger gets off on watching his neighbour across the street sunbathe.

  • get on (one's) nerves = to bother someone; to annoy.

    That girl's gum chewing is so loud it's starting to get on my nerves.

  • get over = to learn to forget; to learn to live with some unpleasant truth.

    It took Doug almost five years to get over the death of his girlfriend.

  • get the hang of = to learn how to do something; to develop a new skill.

    It takes a little practice to get the hang of riding on a skateboard, but once you know how to do it, it's a lot of fun.

  • get through = to survive a period of difficulty; to endure trouble.

    We're going to get through this recession and come out of it stronger.

  • get-together = a party; a gathering of people who know each other.

    There's going to be a get-together at Tony's Bar and Grill if you want to go there after work.

  • get under (one's) skin = to bother; to cause trouble.

    Roberto lost his job at the restaurant because he got under the boss's skin.

  • get with it = do a better job; improve (one's) performance.

    If she doesn't get with it in that class, she's going to fail this semester.
  • get a clue = start paying attention.

            If you want to keep your job, then get a clue and start arriving on time.

So there you go, a lot of idioms for you to learn.


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